Artificial Intelligence: is becoming more human?

«AI: More than Human» at World Museum, Liverpool is a large-scale exhibition that is giving the city and region’s visitors a chance to see its world-class interpretation and interactive elements. Billed as an unprecedented survey of the creative and scientific developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the exhibition explores the relationship between humans and technology. AI: More than Human, was developed by Barbican International Enterprises and co-produced … Seguir leyendo Artificial Intelligence: is becoming more human?

Birk Schmithüsen: “Es necesario que el arte ofrezca respuestas para utilizar la Inteligencia Artificial de manera humanista” | Birk Schmithüsen: “The art may offer answers to use Artificial Intelligence in a humanistic way”

Birk Schmithüsen (Aquisgrán, 1986) es un joven artista internacional que se inspira en el uso de la tecnología para crear espectaculares instalaciones audiovisuales en las que utiliza la inteligencia artificial. Se ha formado en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Leipzig y ha realizado proyectos y exposiciones en Alemania, Polonia, España, Bruselas y Austria. Actualmente, reside en Gijón (España) gracias a la beca EMAP/EMARE (European … Seguir leyendo Birk Schmithüsen: “Es necesario que el arte ofrezca respuestas para utilizar la Inteligencia Artificial de manera humanista” | Birk Schmithüsen: “The art may offer answers to use Artificial Intelligence in a humanistic way”

An Artificial Intelligence that creates image poetry

Finding poetry in the mistakes scientists make, misusing algorithms. Or just letting machine learning fake a hybrid image to fit into a data set, while taking pleasure in investigating the role of technology in modern life and Artificial Intelligence going off on its own course. Probeta Magazine has interviewed Jake Elwes, a young British artist working with Deep Learning AI. ”Artificial Intelligence is in fact … Seguir leyendo An Artificial Intelligence that creates image poetry

Facial recognition technology can be outsmarted with black paint

One of the most amazing and dynamic theatrical and interactive installations of the section «Artificial Intelligence» in Ars Electronics 2017 is «Absurdity of the Entropy Crisis: following the traces of the H-Theorem«. We speak with its director, the Austrian artist Thomas Jalinek, about the meaning of entropy in the artificial intelligence that surrounds us. The concept of entropy is used here to measure the probability … Seguir leyendo Facial recognition technology can be outsmarted with black paint