Facial recognition technology can be outsmarted with black paint

One of the most amazing and dynamic theatrical and interactive installations of the section «Artificial Intelligence» in Ars Electronics 2017 is «Absurdity of the Entropy Crisis: following the traces of the H-Theorem«. We speak with its director, the Austrian artist Thomas Jalinek, about the meaning of entropy in the artificial intelligence that surrounds us. The concept of entropy is used here to measure the probability … Seguir leyendo Facial recognition technology can be outsmarted with black paint

Healing through Art and Technology

Healing through Art and Technology 062720150832 484 15 44 % 18-29 ∞ These numbers represent an incident that shocked Taiwanese society—the Formosa Fun Coast explosion. The incident happened three years ago, total injuries were 484 people, including 15 deaths, with 44 percent burns to their bodies. The victims were young people between the ages of 18 and 29. Many of the burns patients are still … Seguir leyendo Healing through Art and Technology

Estuvimos en el L.E.V. Festival y te lo contamos

Gijón nos ha vuelto a sorprender en su cita anual con la experimentación audiovisual del L.E.V., un festival que, desde hace nueve años, trata de ofrecer una visión panorámica y ecléctica del amplio mundo de la creación ligada a la música electrónica y las artes visuales. El L.E.V. o Laboratorio de Electrónica Visual, es una co-producción del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias, el Ayuntamiento de … Seguir leyendo Estuvimos en el L.E.V. Festival y te lo contamos